Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I heart Circle + Bloom

I love, love, love love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love Circle + Bloom

"What is it?" you ask. Well, it's a set of guided meditations that I have downloaded to my mp3 player. There is a separate, unique short guided imagery for every couple of days of your cycle that give you relaxation and other visualization exercises. I purchased the one that specific to IVF for obvious reasons, but they have other products for natural cycles, PCOS, and more. I've tried other audio CDs with guided meditation and this is THE BEST.

I love how each segment is different and absolutely right for where I am in my cycle. My mom and aunt both say that I am much more relaxed for this third IVF.

Want to know more? Heck, here's a cut and paste from their website (as they say it best):

Benefits Include
  • Specific visualization for the IVF / IUI cycle for optimum stress reduction and leveraging your innate mind-body connection.
  • Reduce stress each and every day of your medicated cycle.
  • Feel in greater control over your body and health by taking time for yourself every day for an enjoyable, relaxing, “massage” for the mind.
  • Learning to use the brain to connect with the body through guided visualization can potentially bring about a physical response to improve fertility and well-being.
  • Ability to listen to special sessions for egg retrieval and implementation while the procedures are being done.
Program Features
  • 18 unique sessions that progress with you through your IVF or IUI cycle.
  • Designed to fit into your schedule easily and can be listened to either daily or every other day.
  • Each session includes (i) deep relaxation; (ii) therapeutic visualizations (mind-body); and (iii) emotional awareness exercises.
  • The sessions are organized into the following categories:
  • Precycle Sessions: Three unique sessions to be used prior to your cycle start date to help optimize your body preparedness.
    • Cycle Sessions: Starting with Cycle Day (“CD”) 1+2, we have one unique program for each two-days in a combination set. In total: CD1+2, 3+4, 5+6, 7+8, 9+10, 11+12
    • Trigger Shot / Egg Retrieval Special Session: One special session designed specifically for the trigger shot and egg extraction (or ovulation if IUI) to help your body best prepare for the shot and the procedure.
    • Cycle Day 13+14: Designed to be listened to prior to the transfer.
    • Transfer / Insemination Special Session: Designed to be listened to prior, during and after the transfer or insemination procedure when stress reduction, and feelings of openness are of prime importance.
    • Two Week Wait Sessions: CD 16+17, 18+19, 20+21, 22+23, 24+25, 26+27 to help your body continue building progesterone and uterus preparation for implantation.
  • Each program averages between 13 – 16 minutes, with a few of the special programs running as long as 19 minutes.
  • Our programs should qualify for reimbursement under Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA), check with your companies benefits team for more information.

No, I'm not getting paid for this plug. I just love the program and highly recommend it to anyone who is completely stressed out by IVF. And I know that's most of us.


Michelle said...

I used Circle & Bloom last cycle and loved it too. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

i used it last cycle too and also loved it. it definitely helped with my overall calmness and connection to the embryos. i'm so glad you like it! i loved it so much i bought the pregnancy one too!

Cherbear said...

i bought this for my next IVF cycle and I can't wait to use it!!! Glad you are loving the program and that you are noticeably more relaxed :)

Brandy said...

I've wondered how those were! Good to know in case we ever decide to transfer our lone frozen embryo.

Joanne said...

Hi Jem! Thank you so much from all of us at Circle+Bloom for this! So glad to hear that you "love love love love love love..." us... If there is anything we can do to help you out, PLEASE let us know!

All the best to you!

marilyn said...

where can a buy it? I will be needed it for first IVF cycle!!

Marissa said...

If I had to do it all over again, I'd probably go Cirle+Bloom as well. I went with the (cheaper) Anji meditations. I really like them as well, but there is *much* less variety. They have one for stims, one for between ER and transfer, and 2 for the wait. I love my one for stims, but tonight will be the 7th time I've listened to it in as many days, and it's getting a bit dull.

Hopefully I won't need a next time, but...remembering this just in case for myself. :)

Jessica said...

Hey! I just swept by your blog. Found it through a mutual friend's. Wishing the best for you and looking forward to following your journey. I have heard so much about Circle + Bloom. Glad to hear you enjoy it!


Adele said...

I'm glad that C+B is working so well for you. I'm listening to a few different meditation recordings, and agree - it makes a difference. Just taking those moments at the start or end of these crazy days makes a big difference.

Anonymous said...

I've never listened to the C&B, but I do love the meditation cd's I have!
Lisa Guyman - Journey into Meditation (this one's not really infertility specific, but for "healing, insight and manifestation"
Belleruth Napersteck - Help with Fertility. I love her voice, and she has different tracks for different parts of the journey.
Falling asleep to the cd's makes me sleep so much better, too!
I'm glad you're enjoying them so much :).

WannabeMommy said...

OMG you're so full of good advice I'm buying my copy now. Got any discount codes? ;-)

Jem said...

I wish I had discount codes for you. It's well-worth the investment.

S said...

Jem, I am super late commenting, but I hope you'll see this comment and email me back.

Do you know if the Circle + Bloom program would be appropriate for a DE IVF cycle? Our RE told us that he wants me to do everything I can to be as relaxed as possible, and I thought this might help.

Also, I noticed on their website that someone who "tells a friend" gets a 15% discount. If you think the program is suitable for DE, would you "tell" me at the email in my blogger profile so you can get the discount on their products?
