Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bad cat

Today didn't start well... our cat Sharkey peed on my robe which was draped on the toilette as i was getting ready. I turn around and see his vibrating tail. I yell. He runs. Cursing, I throw the robe directly into the washer with tons of bleach. Blech.

Bad cat. Yes and no. Bad for peeing, but not bad because he was trying to tell us his cat box was not clean.



Big Mama T said...

Cats are such subtle communicators... *rolls eyes*

Heather said...

*sigh* I've got a bad cat too. Check out my "A day in the life of a bad cat" journal entry from October for details, but she does this like that from time to time. Only, 4 couches, 8 rugs and 5 chairs later, we haven't figured out what she's trying to tell us. :-\

Anonymous said...

Oh no. Not a way to start the day. Sorry!

Pie said...

Bad kitty! How about meowsing loudly near the box to remind you? That might work more in his favor!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, that's a bad kitty! I am horrible about cleaning the litter box ever since we keep it in the basement. It's just. so. far. to walk!